Why a campus church?
College is a time of transition!
College sets the course for life!
The fruit of the harvest!
College is a pivotal time in people’s lives. For many, College is a place of discovery. Young adults wrestle with questions that will lay the foundation of their lives. They explore and discover who they are, the impact they want to make on the world, and what they believe in. Many come to make decisions about their faith in these precious years. Some studies have reported that up to two thirds of young adults walk away from their faith in college. In over a decade of experience of ministry at Oakland University we know that this does not have to be the case! We believe that through deep connections, intentionality, and fostering opportunities to explore faith students not only make first time decisions to follow the Lord but make decisions about following the Lord that will impact their life trajectory. It is in these formative years that Foundation Christian Church believes we are called to be; helping young men and women build a foundation on Jesus that they may be firmly grounded in the Lord and live for Him.
At Foundation Christian Church we believe that God has created us to crave love and belonging. Despite being more connected than ever through social media, young adults are plagued by loneliness. A research study by Gallup found that one in four young adults feel lonely “a lot of the day.” At Foundation Christian Church we will fight back against those numbers by creating a community built to last. We believe that one of the primary reasons young adults struggle to develop community is the lack of stability they face. Young adults experience multiple major transitions in their lives in just a few years. We desire to create a community that grows with congregant. A place people can call home for years; not just their college experience. We believe that a campus church will provide a home and launching pad of believers for generations to come.